Sentinel Gold Logo

Peace of mind for cards, keys, cash and personal belongings

To join Sentinel® Gold, please call us on 0800 023 4318 and we'll be happy to help.

24/7 card blocking and replacement

If your cards are lost or stolen, just one call to us and we'll request for them to be cancelled and replacements ordered on your behalf.

Card blocking and replacement

Lock & key cover and security tags

Up to £1,000 to cover emergency locksmith assistance if you cannot gain access to your home or vehicle. Cover includes the expense for key and immobiliser replacements. Plus, security coded luggage and key tags.

Lock & key cover and security tags

Personal belongings insurance

Up to £300 to replace personal belongings lost or stolen.

Personal belongings insurance

Personal money insurance

Up to £400 to replace personal money lost or stolen at the same time as your or a registered members credit/debit or prepaid cards.

Personal money insurance

Replacement ID document cover

Up to £400 cover to replace lost or stolen identity documents, such as your passport, driving license and birth certificate.

Replacement ID document cove

Mobile phone insurance

Up to £1,500 to cover the cost of the loss or theft of your mobile phone.

Mobile phone insurance

Find out more about our benefits

Activate your online account
If you are accessing this website for the first time, you will need to activate your online account.
Sign in to Sentinel® Gold
To sign in to your Sentinel® Gold account, please enter your username and password below.

Forgot your username?
Forgot your password?
Add household members at no extra cost
Simply register additional household members to receive Sentinel® Gold cover at no extra cost. Call 0800 023 4318